Hair Transplants


Not for nothing is hair called the Crowning Glory. And the distress that hair loss causes can be incredibly traumatizing. This procedure is the ONLY method which restores natural hair which grows, permanently, to balding areas, especially in the front and temple areas. The look is very natural because the follicular hair transplantation results in evenly distributed and not clumpy hair growth.

For You If -

1. You are a male with a receding hairline, if you have male pattern baldness

2. You are a young man with thinning hair

3. You are a woman with thinning hair

4. You have visible bald patches in hair-bearing areas like scalp, mustache or eyebrows due to injury

5. Constant pull on the hair has caused loss of hair from that area.

Not For You  -

1. Your hair loss is due to a disease.

2. You have alopecia

Might Not Be For You If -

1. You have lost hair extensively

2. You have thinning hair and not obviously visible scalp skin

3. Most of your hair has turned white

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia which means a few injections. it can go on for 5-7 hours, but you can take breaks and are fully conscious.

It begins by harvesting hair follicles, which are basically glands in the scalp skin form where hair shafts grow. These are taken out from the back and side of your head. This can be achieved by 2 methods:
1. The commonest method is Follicular extraction where follicles are individually punched out. The huge advantage of this is that there are no scars on the scalp. but it involves shaving the head
2. Removing a strip of scalp skin- the strip method. this results in a thin scar on the back of the head which is not seen unless you shave your head completely

The next step is implantation, In this, minute holes are made in the scalp which has lost its hair and the harvested follicles are grafted into these holes. Over a period of time these implanted follicles will start growing hair and thus cover the bald area with natural growing hair.


1. There is a slight pain and discomfort in the back of the head and the grafted areas for a couple of days along with a tight feeling for 2-4 days because of some swelling which can come onto the forehead and the eyes.

2. Tiny dark brown spot-like scabs of blood form on the grafts so that there is spotty appearance which lasts for 10-14 days. When the scabs fall the indwelling hair shafts come off which is nothing to be worried about.

3. Care needs to be taken while washing and otherwise to not disturb the grafts in their new beds for a week.

4. Tiny shoots of the transplanted follicles start showing up from 2-4 months, which then grow in tandem with the rest of the hair.

5. In some cases, there can be increased hair fall following the procedure but this usually corrects after 3-4 months.

Results -

Natural hair starts growing giving you a much younger look and this hair growth is a permanent one. One can treat it as one treats natural growing hair, You can shampoo it, cut it, trim it, color it or do everything you would otherwise.

Non-Results -

The density of transplanted hair is always slightly lesser than natural hair but this difference usually cannot be made of.

1. Graft Loss leading to poor results
2. Infection
3. Ingrowing hair

1. Good quality control with optimal utilisation and viability of grafts
2. Pain free anaesthesia techniques
3. Natural Look with ideal quality of hair line
4. Maintenance of correct direction of growth of hair
5. Thorough Counselling with transparent and honest projection of the expected results helping you make the right decision

Hair implants are artificial strands made to look like hair and are supposed to be permanently remaining poked into the skin. The concept is stupid and it is generally a great disaster in most cases

If you are a youngish male with a receding hairline who is horrified at the prospect of a bald head and is willing to instead settle for slightly less dense hair, which thankfully grows naturally and permanently, follicular unit hair transplant is a wonderful solution for you..